jueves, 8 de mayo de 2008

Duck Hunt NES zapper lamp

So one day I picked up an NES Zapper (gun) and went "woah, that would make a cool lamp!" So... after playing around...

I gutted one... who knew this is what they looked like inside?Then I stumbled around for ideas for the base and shade. A regular cartridge was too small a base, so I measured one and made a 1.5 scale replica out of cardboard, and screwed the gun to it. I weighted it with stones, and then tackled the shade.I picked up a $2 shade at the re-store, a pack of fun foam, and voila! After hours and hours of cutting pixellated shapes, I was done! A little dab of glue to secure the shade, and... ta dah!
I didn't get any shots of it lit up, unfortunately, but it does work! I just didn't have a decent bulb.


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