viernes, 5 de septiembre de 2008

Memorable picture fakes

Smoke over Beirut

Snowball the monster cat
Shark lunges at helicopter

World Trade Centre tourist
Bush reading upside down
Tsunami captured from tower block
Antelopes and trains in harmony
Chairman Mao airbrushes out his former friends
Giant skeletons discovered in India
Shark sneaks up on scuba divers
Iranian missile test
James Purnell doctored at hospital
Karl Rove's 'secret file'
Ann Widdecombe's mixed messages
Benito Mussolini, the fearless horseman

Fidel Castro made to look like Hitler
Soldier doll held hostage in Iraq
Oil rig, tornado and lightning strike
John Kerry with Jane Fonda
Cottingley Fairies
Adan Avelar
Matthew Moore

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