jueves, 28 de febrero de 2008

Graffiti Planet: The Best Graffiti from Around the World

Graffiti or "street art" has been a significant art form for more than 20 years, altering and shaping the urban landscape from Tokyo to Paris, Los Angeles to Sydney, Belfast to Berlin. Ever-changing and evolving, its anonymous, transient nature means it literally can appear one day and disappear the next. Yet out of this shifting mass of spray paint, some true stars have emerged—artists such as Keith Haring, Jean-Michel Basquiat, and Banksy—as well as countless unsung heroes who have taken the form to new heights. This book is a celebration of the endless creativity of the medium, featuring 100 glossy photos of groundbreaking graffiti from around the world, and including an introduction by the editor, Ket. It is a perfect introduction to the subject for anyone excited by this most vibrant and democratic of art forms.
Algunas veces las mejores cosas vienen en tamaño pequeño, este libro es la muestra mas tangible de esto, es una recopilación de 100 fotografias de piezas de todo el mundo, realizada por Alain Ket, escritor de NY, fundador de urban lifestyles magazine y creador de The Walls Belong to us, una organización que se dedica a subastar piezas de artistas de todo el mundo, de este libro lo mas atractivo es que puedes encontrar material de artistas como Can2 de Munich, Bates de Copenhagen, Banksy de Londres, Loomit de Alemania, CES del Bronx New York, Os Gemeos de Sao Paolo, Sento de Hawai, T-Kid tambien del Bronx, Blu de Italia, y un monton mas, el precio, solo 120 pesos en comicastle, go baby..

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